This includes pre-treatment, conditioning and decay storage processes prior to disposal to reduce the hazardous activity and volume of LLW and higher activity waste (HAW) in accordance with the principles of the waste hierarchy. It is also accepted that due to the long timeframes, changing contexts and complexities of some NSIPs, aspects of impact prediction may be uncertain. The timing of this Council Plan is important as we put in place the support and investment to re-ignite our powerful and innovative economy, and make our places safe, attractive, and sustainable for future generations. Where NSIPs require a substantial number of construction workers, particular attention will need to be paid to potential impact, including on the housing market and the rental sector. To give an idea of the type of detail which might come forward, we have set out the existing planning policies that currently address the headline topic and priority issue. Therefore, this policy draws on and supports a wide range of emerging plan priorities, other emerging policies in the Local Plan 2020, area based objectives, as well as the supporting planning documents. This will include a new strategy and policies to guide and manage growth and change in our area over at least the next 15 years. The zones are areas of the district considered to have a high level of access to services and facilities and high level of public transport connections. 07/02/2023. We will continue to equip our staff with the tools and skills to do their jobs to the best of their abilities, harnessing the potential of new technology and holding on to improved ways of working to deliver even better value for money for residents and businesses. Protecting our Designated Local Green Spaces, 25. It is therefore considered important that a policy framework for a proposed NNB project at Oldbury should be developed in conjunction with the overall policy for South Gloucestershire, and that this policy should address ways of working as well as relevant considerations, constraints and opportunities relevant to the NNB. Residential Parking Supplementary Planning Document. It will be informed by early duty to co-operate engagement including with neighbouring Councils, advice from statutory bodies, and engagement with the project promoter. 3. Local Plan 2020: Data and Access Profiles (DAPs) Data and Access Profiles (DAPs) To support production of our new Local Plan 2020 and provide evidence for adopted policies (CS8 and. Through our active role in the West of England Combined Authority and the Western Gateway powerhouse, we have demonstrated how we can work effectively with neighbouring authorities and others to deliver improved outcomes for the wider region. This Council Plan maintains our focus on being an efficient and innovative organisation, working closely with our communities and partners to shape and improve the outcomes and prospects for. This Phase 1. Development proposals are required to demonstrate how they will mitigate and adapt to climate change and help deliver radical reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and generate renewable and/or low carbon energy proportionate to their scale and type. They are currently defined in policy PSP11 Transport Impact Management, the proposed new policy will eventually replace PSP11. It is not proposed that a blanket reduction be applied in these areas as individual sites may be more (or less) suitable to a reduction but instead sets out areas where it is suitable for a reduction in car parking space provision. Developers are encouraged to review South Gloucestershire Councils Planning Performance Agreement Charter (pdf) for further information. This will help applicants understand how the policy requirements fit together and what information is necessary to demonstrate how the policies will be satisfied. These contributions will be negotiated as part of the planning process,including through section 106 agreements and the Community Infrastructure Levy where appropriate. This policy will be applied in conjunction with other relevant policies in this plan, in particular policies on NSIPs, new nuclear development and decommissioning. Earlier PSP plan documents and representations can be downloaded from our website. Active Provision:An active OLEV compliant chargepoint, such that each dwelling has the opportunity to charge their vehicle at the same time with a total charging time not exceeding 8 hours. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? One of the key aims of the Local Plan will be to allocate sites for the new homes, jobs, infrastructure, services and facilities that will be needed in South Gloucestershire. are clear and accessible. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? Impact assessment should also be an iterative process, conducted alongside the development of project proposals so that impact assessment informs both project planning and design. This will need to include a new strategy and policies to guide and manage growth and change in. We are developing a new Local Plan for South Gloucestershire. As a comparator that indicates the likely scale and complexity of large scale NNB, recent proposals for Wylfa Newydd on the Isle of Anglesey indicate: A nominated 236ha site, and a total site development/ construction area of 409ha Estimated 9 year construction period, and 60 years operation, 20 years decommissioning Design parameters for aspects of the development, with later details to be approved by the local authority A theoretical maximum of 9000 construction workers at peak 850 permanent jobs plus 1000 for periodic reactor maintenance On site accommodation for up to 4000 construction workers, Park and Ride for 1900 cars, and a logistics centre with capacity for up to 100 HGV Diversion of the coastal path inland around the NNB site Extensive on site landscaped areas plus off site ecological compensation areas Long term radioactive waste and spent fuel stores Site preparation and online highway improvement applications to the local authority. The Phase 2 consultation ran from 7 February 2022 to 4 April 2022. Since adoption of the Core Strategy and PSP, we have begun to see new evidence, approaches and priorities emerge that will eventually require new planning policies. Climate change is happening now and is the biggest challenge facing our society. A set of short videos explaining the preparation of, and how you can get involved in shaping our new Local Plan 2020 for South Gloucestershire. Do you have any comments on the range and scope of policies we are proposing? Local Plan Saved Policies; The Minerals and Waste Local Plan Policies; Proposals Map; Supplementary residential extension guidelines (RESPD) which provide information on what kinds of residential extensions are considered acceptable in Slough. Community benefits beyond the requirements of the Planning Acts may also be sought through the provisions of the Local Government Acts, other legislation, through voluntary agreement with the project provider, or in accordance with an industry protocol. 21. In the last two years, we have seen a 5% increase in assessments for adult social care. * In 2004, 21 South Gloucestershire areas rated in the most deprived 20% nationally against at least one domain of the Indices of Multiple Deprivation. Any such fund would be used to off-set the burden on the locality, and would identify potential legacy uses, including transport, social, economic, environmental and community infrastructure which would benefit the community in the long term. This is above the national average (8.0) and the same as the South West average (also 8.7). A drop down menu will appear with address options. This policy must work in combination with other aspects of the plan and also changes likely to happen outside of planning. Further, for some specific groups within the local community inequality gaps are evident from early years, which continue throughout their education. The following list is based on input from consultation, engagement and topic-based assessments of existing knowledge of the site and large scale NNB proposals at other sites. The order of themes, issues constraints and opportunities set out in the table below does not at this stage infer relative priority at this stage In order to ensure the sustainability of development proposals and appropriate impact assessments, themes, issues and schemes should be considered in the round and cumulatively across the different topic areas set out below. Suitable disposal options will also need to be appropriately regulated and controlled and comply with other relevant plans, such as the West of England Joint Waste Core Strategy. We are committed to providing services like these to the high possible standard as cost-effectively as we can. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? All land use, development, demolition and waste planning proposals should be set within the context of an agreed strategic masterplan. However, if unforeseen changes in the project occur, such as a delay in the provision of supporting infrastructure, these peak numbers may be sustained over a longer period of time. Unlike for example domestic waste streams, radioactive waste from a nuclear power station is not generated by that local community, it is generated by that national infrastructure facility and any on site disposal would again be hosted by that local community on behalf of the nation. Option 1 requires residential development to reduce carbon emissions from regulated energy use by 100%. If the Council is to effectively respond and successfully engage with developers on behalf of our communities in respect of major infrastructure proposals, this is likely to require significant resources beyond the capacity of the Council. To help satisfy Clause 1a, reference should be made to emerging Local Plan Policy Creating well-designed places which provides detail on requirements for energy conservation and sustainable design, and climate resilience. Responding to the Covid-19 emergency, together with our partners we have committed new resources to supporting the vulnerable, isolated and those who have been disproportionately impacted by the outbreak, with a key focus on those from a BAME background, people with a learning disability, care leavers and those affected by domestic abuse. Our values underpin all that we do and how we work. However, at this stage we think it is important to set out the range of policies we think are needed in our new Local Plan. These policies will be informed and refined from the feedback obtained from this Phase 1 consultation; particularly if we have the issues and priorities for the plan correctly identified. Proposals for development where the primary function utilises, promotes or perpetuates reliance on fossil fuels, are considered to be in conflict with the policy and will not be acceptable. Our aim is to promote vibrant, mixed-use town centres with active public spaces, commercial, education, leisure, and cultural facilities. Further evidence, for example, landscape sensitivity assessments, will be gathered and used to help inform decision-making on planning applications that come forward. After consultation with a scheme promoter and other relevant parties and as appropriate to the scale of development proposed, prepare a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to provide more detailed and/or site specific guidance to inform the Councils: i. pre-and post-application engagement and consultation responses;ii. Blank and inactive ground floor elevations should be avoided; and. The Local Development Guide was presented and adopted at Gloucestershire County Council's Cabinet meeting on 24 March 2021. Locals have their say on where Bristol's boundaries end Bradley Stoke Bookmark New train station. The local authority is also the enforcement authority post consent. These however should be submitted on a Call for Sites form and include a clear map, along with any supporting information. Clearly defined and measurable Key Performance Indicators will be needed to assess progress and delivery over time. This will come forward in later stages of the plan. In order to deliver effective mitigation and/or compensation measures must be commensurate with the scale and impact of the development. 1) Context and identityDevelopment proposal(s) must demonstrate an understanding of, and respond constructively to the building and landscape characteristics that make a particularly positive contribution to the distinctiveness and identity of the area. Almost 2,000 households are registered as being in housing need. The Councils will continue their longstanding history of joint working and cooperate with each other and with other key bodies on strategic, cross boundary matters as they prepare their Local Plans.The evidence base prepared so far to inform the Spatial Development Strategy will be published on the WECA website and will be reviewed and used as appropriate to inform the Councils Local Plans. We are externally recognised as a high-performing council, yet despite the scale of our economy, the attraction as a place to live and work and the increasing role we play as a destination to visit, South Gloucestershire is yet to establish a distinctive and understood identity. There has historically been an emphasis on assessing the impacts of major projects at peak, i.e. Note: Regulations are continuously reviewed and the status of the site may change in future. This is available for 290 plus VAT (as of April 2022) and is subject to us considering it is appropriate. The climate emergency and inequality gap present themselves in different ways across all the services that we deliver, and the Plan now sets these as the fundamental challenges to be met by all our priorities. What is the current approach to Parking Standards? People want to live here, move here, and start businesses and families here. Our Compact with the Voluntary and Community Sector and the Parish and Town Council Charter will be complemented by a new set of Keep it Local working arrangements, an enhanced way of working with the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector to identify better ways to deliver services to improve the lives of local people. We also want to be clear which of our existing policies may need to evolve and eventually be replaced. We welcome and value the role that our residents and our partners in health and care, in housing, in education, in the police and emergency services, the private, public and voluntary and community sectors have already played in developing the vision behind this Council Plan and we look forward to working with you over the coming years to deliver our ambitious vision for you and your community. In 2004, 21 South Gloucestershire areas rated in the most deprived 20% nationally against at least one domain of the Indices of Multiple Deprivation. Hydrocarbon Extraction (inc. Fracking), 59. This document is therefore a key starting point in the process and journey to prepare a new Local Plan. The objective will be to ensure that only those proposals with a positive balance of outcomes in terms of reducing negative effects or increased benefits are consented. This should be calculated using the latest Building Regulations Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of dwellings (SAP) methodology, which covers regulated energy use, and also includes guidance on estimating unregulated energy use. The development plan sets out the policies and proposals for the development and use of land in South Gloucestershire. There should be transparency of monitoring of progress against the DCO, its Requirements and the KPIs through the publication of a publicly accessible Annual Monitoring Report. Given the Councils role as a Local Planning Authority (LPA), pre-application enquiries, demolition notifications and planning applications relating to the decommissioning process are expected to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) during and beyond the Local Plan period. The plan comprises a number of separate documents: Core Strategy. In terms informing of the LPAs role, other emerging Local Plan 2020 policies sets out an overarching framework for the decommissioning and restoration of the Oldbury site against which pre-application advice and planning consents will be considered, and will also help inform the Councils response to any consultations on consents, licenses or permits from other organisations. ecological crisis and inequalities within South Gloucestershire. While acknowledging that a proposed NNB power station at Oldbury has the potential to bring benefits to businesses, employment and the community, and make a significant contribution in terms of low carbon energy, there a number of fundamental concerns about potential negative effects. A Community Impact Assessment will also be required in order to bring together and assess individual and cumulative impacts on existing communities and to inform the development and timely implementation of appropriate management and mitigation measures. Updated technical guidance will be prepared by the Council to accompany the policy and explain how we expect applicants to demonstrate that their development proposals comply with the policy requirements. when there are predicted to be maximum numbers of e.g. Firstly, the need to ensure that energy consumption is minimised through building and site level design measures must be addressed. For example, we are considering identifying safeguarding areas where proposals for other types of development would not be permitted if they would unacceptably sterilise the renewable or low carbon energy development for which they are safeguarded. The Covid-19 outbreak has tested all of us, not least those who have continued to deliver front-line services, stepping up to deliver above and beyond their day-to-day responsibilities. 17. It is important to engage with local communities at an early stage in the development process. Given the timeframe for decommissioning, it will be important that the masterplan is an evolving document, and that phasing and review mechanisms for all relevant socio-economic and environmental considerations are built in. Core Strategy policy CS37 Nuclear related Development (covers the overall approach to nuclear related development, including paragraph 12 on radioactive waste). A detailed timeline for preparing our new Local Plan is set out in the Local Plan Delivery Programme (LPDP). South Gloucestershire is well placed to take advantage of these opportunities, and is working with the other West of England authorities to achieve resilient, healthy, communities, an enriched environment, and a successful low carbon economy. 6. The emerging policy on radioactive waste is also of particular relevance to the development of a masterplan for decommissioning. This is necessary to ensure that heating systems are decarbonised and move away from fossil fuel systems (i.e. The Council declared a Climate Emergency on 17th July 2019, which included a pledge to provide the leadership to enable South Gloucestershire to become carbon neutral by 2030, and also to enable our communities to achieve 100% clean energy across all sectors. Achieving these and other priorities will require new policies which update and eventually replace our adopted policies. Clean Version for Interimpublication - South Gloucestershire The tables link each policy to one of our emerging plan priorities, for example, exceptional spaces and places. New technology, different attitudes and direction from national policy means a new approach can be explored to help meet the numerous challenges that continue to face South Gloucestershire. For residential development with communal off street parking provision, at least 20 per cent of spaces are required to have active charging facilities, and passive provision is required for all remaining spaces; High density and/or large scale residential / mixed use developments are additionally required to facilitate the provision of an electric or ultra-low emission car club, and provide dedicated space for the club with active charging facilities; All non-residential developments (e.g. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? It is important that as much is done on-site as possible to minimise energy demand, and maximise renewable energy use and generation. The South Gloucestershire policies map is an interactive map that displays the policies of the development plan. Go back to the Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Issues and Approaches document landing page. The design process should be supported by a range of design tools, including well-considered and informative design and access statements which include context and character appraisals, design review panels, masterplans, and design codes. Pre-application engagement on these complex projects can require significant levels of officer input over many months or years for more complex projects. Within the zones applications would need to be supported by an SGC Accessibility Assessment. Stroud tenant voice picked for national role - February 28, 2023 My house Enter your postcode for information on recycling, waste collections and council tax. We have comparable relationships with Health Trusts and Clinical Commissioning Groups to identify health and well-being priorities but also extend this co-working to Friends of community park and asset groups so that we can support community activities and classes, but also share expertise and evidence that supports a broad range of future-funding proposals. Whilst this table sets out a range of issues known at this time, with such long construction and operational phases, it is recognised that there may be changes in the wider and/or local socio economic and environmental context of a NNB project, and also that aspects of the project design may evolve. A classified heat network is a heat network with a definite plan to become 100% renewable within a reasonable time scale, is constructed to a high quality (in accordance with appropriate technical standards, currently CIBSE code of practice), offers a fair and affordable price to consumers, and provides annual reporting on their performance and carbon content. The Policies, Sites and Places (PSP) plan forms part of the South Gloucestershire Local Plan, together with the Core Strategy and Joint Waste Core Strategy. All of these documents are used by the council when assessing planning applications. The visual implications of any proposals for change would need to be carefully considered. This policy will be applied in consideration of both on and off-site issues, including impacts arising as a result of the transport of radioactive waste off site. Evidence will be expected to demonstrate how alternatives have informed the development of proposals including for any on site options, as well as the siting and design of and mitigation for additional construction areas and associated development and infrastructure; and, Expect evidence to be provided to demonstrate that brownfield land and/or redundant facilities have been used where possible; and, How alternatives have informed the development of proposals including for any on site options, as well as the siting and design of and mitigation for additional construction areas and associated development and infrastructure; and, Seek to ensure that consideration is given to the full range of the proposed projects environmental, transport and socio economic impacts: positive and negative, tangible and intangible, and the level and duration of those impacts over time; and, Demonstration as to how these assessments have informed the development and delivery of the hierarchy of impact avoidance, mitigation and compensation proposals; and. The strategies for dealing with the different levels of waste vary according to their radioactivity characteristics, with higher activity wastes such as nuclear fuel having already been removed off site, intermediate level wastes being treated and packaged at Oldbury prior to being moved to Berkeley for long term storage until such time as a national geological disposal facility is available. Select the one which you are looking for and the map will automatically zoom and centre on this location. Given the proximity of Oldbury A and the proposed NNB site, and the potential for close interrelationships between multiple factors, the Council will continue to work with the Nuclear Decommissioning Agency, the operators of Oldbury A and NNB promoters in respect of decommissioning plans and the potential for integration with NNB. This document is the first we have produced as we begin the process of producing our new Local Plan. Professor Jim Longhurst, Assistant Vice-Chancellor: Environment Sustainability, University of West of England and Chair of the South Gloucestershire Climate Emergency University Advisory Group. Key to maximising benefits and minimising impacts across a range of topic areas relevant to NNB will be the early agreement and potentially the advance and/or early delivery of a range of strategies and mitigation measures, defined triggers for implementation, along with systematic and clearly defined monitoring to ensure effectiveness and identify any need for adjustments. Overall health in South Gloucestershire is good and improving, and life expectancy is higher than the national average. The following hierarchy helps explain the approach to cooling required: The use of air conditioning systems is not a sustainable cooling option and should be avoided as it exacerbates carbon dioxide emissions and overheating risks. Please refer to the map under Schedule A which outlines indicatively where these zones could be. Creating sustainable rural villages and settlements, Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Issues and Approaches. Voter ID will be required at South Gloucestershire Council's local elections on May 4 (Image: PA) A row broke out over the Government's 'rushed and ill-conceived' new law . minimising impact and maximising benefits and legacy throughout the life of this intergenerational project. Local plan policies provide direction and clarity on where development is expected to take place. The Covid-19 pandemic has strengthened connections between the general public and the council, health service and other public sector bodies. 61.2 crimes per 1,000 population, lower than both the south west and England & Wales averages (67.8 and 88.9 per 1,000) respectively. The criteria and expectations in relation to the use of resources, materials and re-use of buildings will be contained in a proposed new policy Sustainable Design and Construction, which will be brought forward in future stages of the Local Plan 2020. Nuclear power stations are national infrastructure sites, hosted by local communities on behalf of the nation. In justifying new development in accordance with the NPPF requirements, this approach will not be acceptable. But please see the Building a Strategy, Urban Lifestyles section for potential approaches which may involve places in the North Fringe, CS29 Communities of the East Fringe of Bristol Urban Area, Draft policy not yet available. We will further reinforce our inclusive culture where everyone feels able to participate and achieve their best. Emissions are produced at all phases of the development process, including embodied carbon in the materials used, the construction process, and the operational phase. Conservation Area Appraisals, Village Design Statements and The South Gloucestershire Landscape Character Assessment may, where available, in the vicinity of a development, also provide good sources of information that assist in discerning such distinctive local character. 5. These would be focussed around designated town centres and transport hubs. . South Gloucestershire New Local Plan We are developing a new Local Plan for South Gloucestershire. The pace and scale of growth in recent years has presented new opportunities for our area, but also challenges. Parking to fronts should be enhanced by the use of finer paving materials and attention to landscaping between spaces essentially creating good driveways. These provide a framework to inform early engagement between the Council and a promoter of NNB at Oldbury. Where possible, our priority is to prioritise development where it supports regeneration of existing town centres, high streets and communities and promotes the sustainability of existing services. Low levels of unemployment in March 2020, 2.6% of the economically active population (16 and over) were unemployed, below the sub-regional (West of England) and national (England) averages (both 3.9%). We have also suggested nine priorities to address these issues. These shifting patterns make it more important to create well-designed living environments, with good storage spaces, natural light and views, with access to a range of quality private and public open spaces and public realm. Different standards for different parts of the district? Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) The scale and massing of the built form relates to the site and the local character surrounding the development, with minimal amenity impacts relating to overlooking, over-shadowing and over-bearing issues; b) Construction materials are locally distinctive, complementary when viewed as a collection, and appropriate for their use and function, with a focus on robustness and a positive visual appearance over time; c) The arrangement and design of windows (the fenestration) is visually attractive, balanced and functional.